Friday, August 15, 2008

The NIMJD Philosophy

The NIMJD Philosophy… It’s easier to just say NO,.. rather than actually help someone.

Have you been NIMJD recently?

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

latest NIMJD email....

From: Scott
Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2008 1:46 PM
To: Barry
Subject: End of Quarter - Auto Response

Please be aware that I will no longer be with this company after August first. Any new requests will be priorized based on EOQ needs. Outside teams, please work with your inside teams to submit requests. Email coming to my inbox has no SLA on a response.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Sorry it's taken me so long to post,.... but Corp America has just been sucking the life right out of me.... After 13 years of fighting the machine, I've decided to start this blog, and document the insanity....

In my corp world,... all those individuals who slack off, continually pass the buck, piss & moan about performing the most basic daily functions, never live up to their resume or "title",... and constantly drag their feet on deadlines, seem to always succeed somehow... OH!, they succeed al'right... They succeed at pissing me off!!!

I don't know how this happen, but it seems like corp America has been scraping the bottom of the bucket for anyone with half an IQ, willing to sit in a cubical all day, creating an appearance that work is actually being done... Don't believe the charade!!!

This is why my colleague and I came up with "NIMJD" - a.k.a NOT IN MY JOB DESCRIPTION -

According to NetLingo - The Internet Dictionary, NIMJD has traditionally been an acronym or text message used in online chat, IM, e-mail, blogs, newsgroups, postings, etc...

Our version of NIMJD is more of a verb, given to any action performed by a specific individual who chooses to:

- pass the buck every time (EVERYTIME!)
- not live up to the "title" listed on their email sig or business card.
- respond to your email request with "one liners" that not only do not answer the questions being asked, but also never make any sense...
- forward your request to another person to answer, when they could have easily found the answer themselves within about 30 seconds
- never respond to your request for assistance...

Example: "I asked for help with my TPS reports, but she NIMJD me, and told me to submit a trouble ticket."

I encourage everyone to submit their own NIMJD stories. Tell us about the last time you got NIMJD. NIMJD, or to GET NIMJD,... that is your choice...

In order to spread the NIMJD word, we have created NIMJD T-shirts, & coffee mugs.

Check out the swag, and show your NIMJD support.